September 28, 2023

Responsibility · People

Gildan Rolls-Out Digital Grievance App to Nine Factories in Honduras, Featuring Free Wi-Fi Zones for Employees

Two Gildan employees using the new digital grievance app in a free wi-fi zone

Gildan is taking its digital grievance process to new heights, by rolling out its grievance mechanism app to 100% of its factory workers in Honduras, bolstering the Company’s existing efforts to provide safe and convenient avenues for them to voice their valuable feedback.  

Gildan has been monitoring and responding to employee grievances through suggestion boxes, a third-party operated hotline, and more for many years. In 2021, Gildan went digital, introducing its first grievance app in two of its Company-operated facilities, one in Nicaragua and another in Honduras. This pilot was a successful one, enhancing the communication channels between workers and management, with more employees providing suggestions, sharing ideas, and asking questions. Since then, Gildan has had plans to extend this service to its other facilities. Just last month, Gildan debuted the new app in nine of its facilities in Honduras, covering its entire factory workforce in the country. 

“At Gildan, the well-being of our employees is a cornerstone of how we operate, and a large part of that is listening to them and responding to their needs. We are happy to extend the use of digital grievance mechanisms to all our factory employees in Honduras,” says German Reyes, Director of Social Compliance at Gildan. “I look forward to seeing how the introduction of this app positively impacts our employees and allows them to actively participate in shaping the kind of work environment they want.” 

As part of the app’s activation, Gildan launched an internal campaign in Honduras, partnering with a local celebrity, to encourage employees to download the app and confidently use the grievance mechanisms available to them. Gildan also designed free Wi-Fi zones in all facilities, with comfortable furniture, to facilitate app usage among its employee-base. 

Gildan plans on rolling out the app in the rest of its global operations in the future.